U.S. Air Force Research Lab Summer Faculty Fellowship Program

U.S. Air Force Research Lab Summer Faculty Fellowship Program

U.S. Air Force Research Lab Summer Faculty Fellowship Program

AFRL/RH 711TH HPW (Fort Sam, Texas )

SF.15.24.B10215: Exploring RF-induced Adaptive Response

Echchgadda, Ibtissam - 210-539-8004

Extensive scientific research has documented the phenomenon of acquired adaptive response (AR) in cells preconditioned with low to moderate (adaptive) doses of chemical, biological, and physical stressors. This preconditioning enhances cellular resilience, enabling them to better withstand damage induced by subsequent high (challenging) doses of same or different stressors. Emerging evidence suggests that preconditioning with radio frequency electromagnetic field (RF) may similarly trigger AR, potentially conferring cellular protection. However, the effect of RF-induced AR remains controversial and requires further validation. This project aims to identify, characterize, and optimize a range of RF doses (low-dose stimulation) that would promote AR in cells. The objectives are twofold: 1) to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the potential of RF-induced AR in cultured cells, assessing its efficacy as a preconditioning agent across various stress scenarios, and 2) to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying the response, while also exploring how different nano- and biomaterials might enhance or inhibit RF-induced preconditioning effects.

SF.15.24.B10211: Assessing Laser-Tissue Interactions Using Cellular and Spectroscopic Methods

Denton, Michael - 210-539-8069

The chemical and physical consequences of laser exposure to living cells and tissues is diverse and depends upon parameters of the laser (wavelength, power density, exposure time, etc.) and sample (optical and thermal properties). The biological outcome of these interactions can be equally diverse, such as sublethal (photobiomodulation) or lethal (apoptosis, necrosis) responses. Understanding these responses requires knowledge of the biochemistry of the photon interactions and the metabolic signaling within cells. This project aims to study photon interactions using modern spectroscopic methods (e.g. fluorescence, FT-IR, Raman, transient absorption) and the biochemistry of metabolic signaling using cellular and molecular techniques (e.g. live-dead stains, mitochondrial function, cell growth) at the cellular and organelle levels. Empirical data are used to drive modeling efforts that predict biological response outcomes based on laser dosimetry and sample type.

SF.15.24.B10210: The Role of Biological Adaptations to Microgravity in Cellular ReWith the sponses to Electromagnetic Stimuli

Steelman, Zachary - 713-299-3143

With the standup of Space Force and to build scientific knowledge for future operations, the DoD is interested in adapting current technologies to the unique environmental conditions of space, including microgravity. Our lab has begun investigating how cellular adaptations to microgravity affect the endpoints of electroporation, with the goal of supporting resilient space operations through orbital biomanufacturing. This project will involve developing microgravity cell culture models and applying them towards open questions in bioelectromagnetics and cellular directed energy exposure. The effort may utilize existing microgravity models (rotating wall vessel, random positioning machine), or pursue the design of improved microgravity models which incorporate sensing, imaging, or external stimuli. Project details and scope will be adapted to the expertise of the visiting faculty member. Interested candidates should contact Dr. Zachary Steelman (zachary.steelman.1@us.af.mil) for more information.

SF.15.24.B10209: Investigating Cellular Responses to Directed Energy using Advanced Optical Imaging

Steelman, Zachary - 713-299-3143

The mission of the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Bioeffects Division (RHD) is to enable the maximum safe exploitation of the electromagnetic spectrum for DoD purposes. As a part of this effort, our laboratory seeks to develop new imaging technologies which can identify fundamental mechanisms of cellular interactions with directed energy, including lasers, high power radiofrequency and microwave sources, and pulsed electric fields. Recent representative efforts in this area include 1) quantitative phase imaging to identify mechanisms of transmembrane water flux across cell membranes in response to pulsed electric fields, 2) custom 3D-printed microscopy systems to image cellular responses to extreme radiofrequency environments, 3) optical streaking microscopy and high-speed imaging techniques to visualize fast cellular responses to pulsed electric fields and laser pulses.

We are seeking a talented visiting faculty member with experience in biomedical optics, microscopy, optical imaging, or similar fields. Areas of specialization may include (but are not limited to) fluorescence/fluorescence lifetime imaging, coherence-based imaging (optical coherence tomography, digital holography, quantitative phase imaging), optical elastography and photoacoustics, computational imaging, tomography, total internal reflectance (TIRF) microscopy, hyperspectral and multimodal imaging, ultrafast imaging, atomic force microscopy, light sheet microscopy, spectroscopy (Raman, Brillouin, etc) or other related technologies. The visiting faculty member will have the opportunity to develop their own project in collaboration with the AFRL principal investigator. Interested candidates should contact Dr. Zachary Steelman (zachary.steelman.1@us.af.mil) for more information and to submit a resume.

SF.15.22.B10103: Monitoring Tissue Optical Property Dynamics

Schmidt, Morgan - 210-539-8552

Accurately simulating laser damage caused by high energy laser exposure requires the complete knowledge of how tissue optical properties (absorption and reduced scattering coefficients) change as a function of tissue heating and damage. Measuring such properties is a difficult endeavor as no methods currently exist for directly measuring these properties. Indirect methods, such as using integrating spheres in conjunction with inverse adding doubling based solvers can provide estimates on such properties and can be used to study dynamics in excised tissues. This project is focused on measuring tissue dynamics using integrating sphere-based sensing, combined with validating novel methods under development to measure optical properties. Additional research will focus validating modeling tools used to predict tissue damage and expanding these tools to incorporate the physics of laser ablation.

AFRL-711th Human Performance Wing

Dr. Zelik, Daniel
Assistant Chief Scientist
711th Human Performance Wing (711 HPW/CL)
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433
Email: daniel.zelik@us.af.mil

Dr. Sharma, Gaurav
Chief Scientist
711th Human Performance Wing (711 HPW/CL)
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433
Email: gaurav.sharma@us.af.mil

Ms. Migliozzi, Rebecca
Assistant to the Chief Scientist
711th Human Performance Wing
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433
Telephone: 937-255-8222
Email: rebecca.migliozzi.ctr@us.af.mil

Test, Test

1 Research Ct.
Rockville, Maryland 20850
Telephone: 111-111-1111
Email: NewSFFPLabDirector@gmail.com